LiA Award

The LiA leadership opportunity is designed to help Cadette Girl Scouts discover their talents in mentoring and leading younger children, gain the confidence, knowledge and expertise needed to guide younger girls, and prepares them to hold future leadership positions within and outside of Girl Scouting; plus, connect with other teen Girl Scouts from around the council. In keeping with the Girl Scout tradition of older girls helping younger girls, the LiA encourages older girls to be key assistants to a Brownie troop.

Any registered Cadette Girl Scout in grades 6-8.

Training Requirements:

Once assigned to a Brownie troop a girl must:

Arrange mutually convenient meeting times with the leader to plan and discuss how she will be integrated into the function of the troop. This includes determining if she will need any special materials for the activities she would like to present, and deciding who will supply them.

Attend the meetings of her assigned Brownie troop. If she is unable to attend due to emergency or extenuating circumstances, she must make every effort to notify the leader in advance.

Arrange for transportation to and from meetings and events.

Provide the leader with signed parent/guardian permission slip when they plan to travel with the troop.

See detailed program at this link: